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Wikipedia - Press Coverage/2001-2003

Da Cantiere.
Versione del 18 feb 2009 alle 15:58 di Andrea (Discussione | contributi) (Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Larry Sanger))

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Copione WikiGuide: Wikipedia · Commons · Wikisource · Wikiquote
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Copione WikiGuide: Wikipedia · Commons · Wikisource · Wikiquote
Organizzazione: Progetto · Portineria · Gruppo su Facebook

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Unsorted: · 2001-2003 · 2004: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic · 2005: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic · 2006: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic ·

2007: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic · 2008: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic · 2009 · Scientific articles

Sorted: The Register
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Press Coverage
Press Coverage

Unsorted: · 2001-2003 · 2004: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic · 2005: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic · 2006: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic ·
2007: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic · 2008: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic · 2009 · Scientific articles
Sorted: The Register



Kuro5hin 25.7.2001

Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)
{{#if:Il portavoce della Britannica aveva annunciato in quei giorni che il modello economico del "tutto gratis" stava cambiando. Sanger invece sosteneva che invece dovevano ancora venire spingendosi addirittura ad ipotizzare che di lì a dieci anni le enciclopedie proprietarie come la Britannica sarebbero diventate obsolete: "piccole, datate e generalmente irrilevanti"| {{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>||class="hiddenStructure noprint"}}
(Testo originale) (Traduzione)
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«"The economics of the all-free model has changed," said Britannica spokesman Tom Panelas says in the AP story. Gone are the halcyon days of free content. Au contraire--that's only what Britannica wants you to think. The grandest days of free content have not yet begun. Britannica and other proprietary encyclopedias will be hopelessly obsolete within ten years--small, out-of-date, and generally irrelevant--by comparison with Nupedia, Wikipedia, and the many other non-proprietary reference works that are being and will be developed. »
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«Il portavoce della Britannica aveva annunciato in quei giorni che il modello economico del "tutto gratis" stava cambiando. Sanger invece sosteneva che invece dovevano ancora venire spingendosi addirittura ad ipotizzare che di lì a dieci anni le enciclopedie proprietarie come la Britannica sarebbero diventate obsolete: "piccole, datate e generalmente irrilevanti"»
{{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>|
(<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>)
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«"The economics of the all-free model has changed," said Britannica spokesman Tom Panelas says in the AP story. Gone are the halcyon days of free content. Au contraire--that's only what Britannica wants you to think. The grandest days of free content have not yet begun. Britannica and other proprietary encyclopedias will be hopelessly obsolete within ten years--small, out-of-date, and generally irrelevant--by comparison with Nupedia, Wikipedia, and the many other non-proprietary reference works that are being and will be developed. »
{{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>|
(<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>)


--Christian (discussione) 02:42, 18 feb 2009 (CET)
{{#if:Nell'articolo Sanger spiega che cosa significa la licenza GNU FDL: chiunque può usarne il contenuto, anche per scopi commerciali, a condizione di indicare la fonte del contenuto. Inoltre il contenuto può essere sviluppato ulteriormente da altri. Sanger spiega che chi rilascia un articolo con questo tipo di licenza lo fa per garantire che l'articolo rimanga libero al pubblico. Questa garanzia di libertà è una forte motivazione per lavorare su un'enciclopedia libera. Ma esiste anche un'altra ragione importante per partecipare: l'incredibile forza della collaborazione e l'uniformità e l'alta qualità del risultato, che non può essere raggiunto attraverso la somma di lavori individuali.| {{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>||class="hiddenStructure noprint"}}
(Testo originale) (Traduzione)
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«This means, as you no doubt already know, that anyone may use their content, for nonprofit or for-profit purposes, provided they link back to the content's source. It also means that the content can be developed further by other parties. Someone who releases an article under an open content license does so in order to guarantee that the article remains free to the public. This guarantee of freedom is a strong motivation to work on a free encyclopedia. Moreover, if scholars concentrate their forces in building an open content encyclopedia, they will be fired by a further motive: there is considerable value in the collaboration that can be found in a general encyclopedia project and in the uniformity and high quality of the results. This value cannot be found in as high a degree in the activities of each writer posting content independently. »
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«Nell'articolo Sanger spiega che cosa significa la licenza GNU FDL: chiunque può usarne il contenuto, anche per scopi commerciali, a condizione di indicare la fonte del contenuto. Inoltre il contenuto può essere sviluppato ulteriormente da altri. Sanger spiega che chi rilascia un articolo con questo tipo di licenza lo fa per garantire che l'articolo rimanga libero al pubblico. Questa garanzia di libertà è una forte motivazione per lavorare su un'enciclopedia libera. Ma esiste anche un'altra ragione importante per partecipare: l'incredibile forza della collaborazione e l'uniformità e l'alta qualità del risultato, che non può essere raggiunto attraverso la somma di lavori individuali.»
{{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>|
(<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>)
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«This means, as you no doubt already know, that anyone may use their content, for nonprofit or for-profit purposes, provided they link back to the content's source. It also means that the content can be developed further by other parties. Someone who releases an article under an open content license does so in order to guarantee that the article remains free to the public. This guarantee of freedom is a strong motivation to work on a free encyclopedia. Moreover, if scholars concentrate their forces in building an open content encyclopedia, they will be fired by a further motive: there is considerable value in the collaboration that can be found in a general encyclopedia project and in the uniformity and high quality of the results. This value cannot be found in as high a degree in the activities of each writer posting content independently. »
{{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>|
(<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>)


--Christian (discussione) 02:42, 18 feb 2009 (CET)
{{#if:Sanger spiega inoltre come sia semplice contribuire a Wikipedia e editare le voci scritte da altri. Chiaramente non è naturale intervenire su temi che non si conoscono. Gli errori sono scoperti in fretta. Gli esperti sono rispettati E XXXXXXXXXXXX. Inoltre i Wikipediani, correggendosi l'un l'altro, percepiscono un senso di scopo comune, di responsabilità, di cameratismo, che sono altre ragioni per cui partecipare.| {{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>||class="hiddenStructure noprint"}}
(Testo originale) (Traduzione)
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«contributing articles to Wikipedia is easy, as is editing other people's articles. There is naturally little motivation to make substantive edits to articles on subjects about which one knows nothing, and mistakes are often caught and made a public spectacle. So experts are respected and deferred to, which encourages and motivates the experts--thus the increasing level of expertise on the website. Moreover, Wikipedians edit each other's stuff, so they feel a sense of collective purpose, responsibility, and camaraderie, which is yet another motivation to participate. »
Btn edit.gif
«Sanger spiega inoltre come sia semplice contribuire a Wikipedia e editare le voci scritte da altri. Chiaramente non è naturale intervenire su temi che non si conoscono. Gli errori sono scoperti in fretta. Gli esperti sono rispettati E XXXXXXXXXXXX. Inoltre i Wikipediani, correggendosi l'un l'altro, percepiscono un senso di scopo comune, di responsabilità, di cameratismo, che sono altre ragioni per cui partecipare.»
{{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>|
(<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>)
Btn edit.gif
«contributing articles to Wikipedia is easy, as is editing other people's articles. There is naturally little motivation to make substantive edits to articles on subjects about which one knows nothing, and mistakes are often caught and made a public spectacle. So experts are respected and deferred to, which encourages and motivates the experts--thus the increasing level of expertise on the website. Moreover, Wikipedians edit each other's stuff, so they feel a sense of collective purpose, responsibility, and camaraderie, which is yet another motivation to participate. »
{{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>|
(<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>)


--Christian (discussione) 02:42, 18 feb 2009 (CET)
{{#if:A luglio 2001 esiste già una pagina denominata "Brilliant Prose", in cui i membri di Wikipedia si fanno i complimenti per le voci scritte particolarmente bene. Gli articoli segnalati (fino a quel momento qualche centinaio) sono praticamente al livello di quelli delle enciclopedie proprietarie. Man mano che passa il tempo gli articoli migliorano. Parafrasando Linus Torvalds "Dati sufficienti occhi, tutti gli errori vengono scoperti".| {{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>||class="hiddenStructure noprint"}}
(Testo originale) (Traduzione)
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«There is a page on Wikipedia called "brilliant prose" in which Wikipedia members praise each other for really superlative work. The articles on that page--and that is only a selection of the best work, not all of it--are at or near the level of quality that you would find in an proprietary encyclopedia. Out of the thousands of Wikipedia articles, there are hundreds of articles that are of this level of quality. All of the articles tend to grow in level of quality, as well--to paraphrase Linus Torvalds, "Given enough eyeballs, all typos, factual errors, and other errors of content are shallow." »
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«A luglio 2001 esiste già una pagina denominata "Brilliant Prose", in cui i membri di Wikipedia si fanno i complimenti per le voci scritte particolarmente bene. Gli articoli segnalati (fino a quel momento qualche centinaio) sono praticamente al livello di quelli delle enciclopedie proprietarie. Man mano che passa il tempo gli articoli migliorano. Parafrasando Linus Torvalds "Dati sufficienti occhi, tutti gli errori vengono scoperti".»
{{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>|
(<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>)
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«There is a page on Wikipedia called "brilliant prose" in which Wikipedia members praise each other for really superlative work. The articles on that page--and that is only a selection of the best work, not all of it--are at or near the level of quality that you would find in an proprietary encyclopedia. Out of the thousands of Wikipedia articles, there are hundreds of articles that are of this level of quality. All of the articles tend to grow in level of quality, as well--to paraphrase Linus Torvalds, "Given enough eyeballs, all typos, factual errors, and other errors of content are shallow." »
{{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>|
(<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>)


--Christian (discussione) 02:42, 18 feb 2009 (CET)
{{#if:Sanger fa inoltre questa proiezione: se Wikipedia continua a produrre articoli al ritmo di 1000 al mese, in sette anni avrà prodotto 84'000 articoli.| {{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>||class="hiddenStructure noprint"}}
(Testo originale) (Traduzione)
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«Suppose that, as is perfectly possible, Wikipedia continues producing articles at a rate of 1,000 per month. In seven years, it would have 84,000 articles.»
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«Sanger fa inoltre questa proiezione: se Wikipedia continua a produrre articoli al ritmo di 1000 al mese, in sette anni avrà prodotto 84'000 articoli.»
{{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>|
(<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>)
Btn edit.gif
«Suppose that, as is perfectly possible, Wikipedia continues producing articles at a rate of 1,000 per month. In seven years, it would have 84,000 articles.»
{{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>|
(<ref>Kuro5hin 2001/07/26 Britannica or Nupedia? The Future of Free Encyclopedias (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>)


Può fornire l'occasione per parlare abbastanza presto nella narrazione dei "numeri" attuali di Wikipedia.
--Christian (discussione) 02:42, 18 feb 2009 (CET)
Si, mi piace come idea. E' talmente al di sotto delle aspettative che va citata. Altra conferma che nessuno si aspettava un successo tale. --Andrea (discussione) 15:29, 18 feb 2009 (CET)

  • Sun Media syndicated "netelligence" column by Sandy McMurray (printed in the London Free Press, Calgary Sun, and Toronto Sun 2001/08/15, Edmonton Sun 2001/08/16) --Christian (discussione) 18:10, 16 feb 2009 (CET)
  • Wales on Sunday 2001/08/26 Knowledge at your fingertips
  • Irish News 2001/08/27 The information is at your fingertips - but for a price

MIT Technology Review 2001/09/04

MIT Technology Review 2001/09/04 Free the Encyclopedias!
{{#if:Wales dichiara di aver speso circa 150'000 dollari per lo sviluppo di Wikipedia. Wikipedia appartiene alla società Bomis, ma Wales e Sanger hanno già l'idea di mettere in piedi una struttura non-profit per gestire Wikipedia.| {{#if:<ref>MIT Technology Review 2001/09/04 Free the Encyclopedias!</ref>||class="hiddenStructure noprint"}}
(Testo originale) (Traduzione)
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«Wales, who is founder and CEO of San Diego-based Web portal Bomis, has spent about $150,000 of his own money developing Wikipedia. Technically, Wikipedia is owned by Bomis, but Wales and Sanger plan to set up a nonprofit to run the Web-based encyclopedia.»
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«Wales dichiara di aver speso circa 150'000 dollari per lo sviluppo di Wikipedia. Wikipedia appartiene alla società Bomis, ma Wales e Sanger hanno già l'idea di mettere in piedi una struttura non-profit per gestire Wikipedia.»
{{#if:<ref>MIT Technology Review 2001/09/04 Free the Encyclopedias!</ref>|
(<ref>MIT Technology Review 2001/09/04 Free the Encyclopedias!</ref>)
Btn edit.gif
«Wales, who is founder and CEO of San Diego-based Web portal Bomis, has spent about $150,000 of his own money developing Wikipedia. Technically, Wikipedia is owned by Bomis, but Wales and Sanger plan to set up a nonprofit to run the Web-based encyclopedia.»
{{#if:<ref>MIT Technology Review 2001/09/04 Free the Encyclopedias!</ref>|
(<ref>MIT Technology Review 2001/09/04 Free the Encyclopedias!</ref>)


--Christian (discussione) 03:48, 18 feb 2009 (CET)
{{#if:L'articolo del MIT è molto supponente nei confronti di Wikipedia. "Wikipedia, che qualcuno potrebbe considerare come l'anarchia intellettuale sviluppata in forma enciclopedica, con l'aggiunta di una chat, cerca di andar contro la tendenza di far pagare per i contenuti in rete. Ma non riuscirà mai a detronizzare la Britannica, che con i suoi 232 anni di reputazione si basa sull'assunzione di esperti riconosciuti a livello mondiale e rivedendo i loro articoli con uno staff di più di cento editori. "Ci sono un mucchio di lavori con riferimentiXXXXX in internet, ma non ci interessano più di tanto" dice Tom Panelas, direttore delle comunicazioni per la Britannica. "Le persone stanno cominciando a realizzare che mentre c'è molta informazione in internet, molta è assolutamente priva di senso, e molta è di dubbia provenienza. Essendo la Britannica, noi sempre abbiamo una natural constituency of people che sa che la Britannica è un nome di cui fidarsi per informazioni affidabili e ben scritte." Per leggere la Britannica sul web bisogna pagare 50$ all'anno, sebbene sia possibile leggere gratuitamente i primi due paragrafi degli articoli. La società non rilascia le cifre delle sottoscrizioni ma afferma che più di 7 milioni di utenti hanno consultato britannica.com ogni mese durante l'anno scolastico. Walter Bender, direttore esecutivo dei Media Laboratory del MIT, crede che ciò che rende la Britannica una valida risorsa è l'obiettivo e la profondità dei suoi lavori, e le enciclopedie libere come Wikipedia non saranno probabilmente mai in grado di competere con questo. "Il lato negativo è che la Britannica non può praticamente tenere il passo con la crescita della conoscenza e dell'informazione", dice Bender. "Per esempio, la Britannica usa ancora la voce della città di Boston scritta 20 anni prima da Jack Driscoll, l'allora editore del Boston Globe. L'articolo fu scritto in una prosa atemporale, ma non coglie più l'essenza della città". Vero, la voce di Wikipedia su Boston dice: "La capitale del Massachusetts, USA. La grande Boston ha molti quartieri, incluso Cambridge, Massachusetts."| {{#if:<ref>MIT Technology Review 2001/09/04 Free the Encyclopedias!</ref>||class="hiddenStructure noprint"}}
(Testo originale) (Traduzione)
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«Wikipedia, which one might consider intellectual anarchy extruded into encyclopedia form with a chat feature thrown in, is stemming a tide against charging for content on the Web. But it will probably never dethrone Britannica, whose 232-year reputation is based upon hiring world-renowned experts and exhaustively reviewing their articles with a staff of more than a hundred editors.

"There are a lot of reference works on the Internet, but we don't concern ourselves about them too much," says Tom Panelas, director of communications at Britannica. "People are coming to realize that while there's a lot of information on the Internet, a lot of it is plain nonsense, and much of it is of questionable provenance. Being Britannica, we've always had a natural constituency of people who know Britannica is a name they can trust for reliable, well-written information."

To read Britannica on the Web you must pony up $50 a year, although you can read the first two paragraphs of articles for free. The company won't release subscription figures but claims that more than seven million users search britannica.com each month during the school year.

Walter Bender, executive director of MIT's Media Laboratory, believes that what makes Britannica a valuable resource is the scope and depth of its editing, and free Web-based encyclopedias such as Wikipedia will probably never be able to compete with that.

"The downside is that [Britannica] cannot practically keep pace with the growth of knowledge and information," says Bender. "For example, Britannica still uses the entry on the city of Boston written almost twenty years ago by Jack Driscoll, former editor of the Boston Globe. The article was written in a timeless prose, but it no longer captures the essence of the city."

True, but Wikipedia's entry on Boston reads as follows: "The capital city of Massachusetts, USA. The greater Boston area has many suburbs, including Cambridge, Massachusetts."»
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«L'articolo del MIT è molto supponente nei confronti di Wikipedia. "Wikipedia, che qualcuno potrebbe considerare come l'anarchia intellettuale sviluppata in forma enciclopedica, con l'aggiunta di una chat, cerca di andar contro la tendenza di far pagare per i contenuti in rete. Ma non riuscirà mai a detronizzare la Britannica, che con i suoi 232 anni di reputazione si basa sull'assunzione di esperti riconosciuti a livello mondiale e rivedendo i loro articoli con uno staff di più di cento editori.

"Ci sono un mucchio di lavori con riferimentiXXXXX in internet, ma non ci interessano più di tanto" dice Tom Panelas, direttore delle comunicazioni per la Britannica. "Le persone stanno cominciando a realizzare che mentre c'è molta informazione in internet, molta è assolutamente priva di senso, e molta è di dubbia provenienza. Essendo la Britannica, noi sempre abbiamo una natural constituency of people che sa che la Britannica è un nome di cui fidarsi per informazioni affidabili e ben scritte."

Per leggere la Britannica sul web bisogna pagare 50$ all'anno, sebbene sia possibile leggere gratuitamente i primi due paragrafi degli articoli. La società non rilascia le cifre delle sottoscrizioni ma afferma che più di 7 milioni di utenti hanno consultato britannica.com ogni mese durante l'anno scolastico.

Walter Bender, direttore esecutivo dei Media Laboratory del MIT, crede che ciò che rende la Britannica una valida risorsa è l'obiettivo e la profondità dei suoi lavori, e le enciclopedie libere come Wikipedia non saranno probabilmente mai in grado di competere con questo.

"Il lato negativo è che la Britannica non può praticamente tenere il passo con la crescita della conoscenza e dell'informazione", dice Bender. "Per esempio, la Britannica usa ancora la voce della città di Boston scritta 20 anni prima da Jack Driscoll, l'allora editore del Boston Globe. L'articolo fu scritto in una prosa atemporale, ma non coglie più l'essenza della città".

Vero, la voce di Wikipedia su Boston dice: "La capitale del Massachusetts, USA. La grande Boston ha molti quartieri, incluso Cambridge, Massachusetts."»
{{#if:<ref>MIT Technology Review 2001/09/04 Free the Encyclopedias!</ref>|
(<ref>MIT Technology Review 2001/09/04 Free the Encyclopedias!</ref>)
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«Wikipedia, which one might consider intellectual anarchy extruded into encyclopedia form with a chat feature thrown in, is stemming a tide against charging for content on the Web. But it will probably never dethrone Britannica, whose 232-year reputation is based upon hiring world-renowned experts and exhaustively reviewing their articles with a staff of more than a hundred editors.

"There are a lot of reference works on the Internet, but we don't concern ourselves about them too much," says Tom Panelas, director of communications at Britannica. "People are coming to realize that while there's a lot of information on the Internet, a lot of it is plain nonsense, and much of it is of questionable provenance. Being Britannica, we've always had a natural constituency of people who know Britannica is a name they can trust for reliable, well-written information."

To read Britannica on the Web you must pony up $50 a year, although you can read the first two paragraphs of articles for free. The company won't release subscription figures but claims that more than seven million users search britannica.com each month during the school year.

Walter Bender, executive director of MIT's Media Laboratory, believes that what makes Britannica a valuable resource is the scope and depth of its editing, and free Web-based encyclopedias such as Wikipedia will probably never be able to compete with that.

"The downside is that [Britannica] cannot practically keep pace with the growth of knowledge and information," says Bender. "For example, Britannica still uses the entry on the city of Boston written almost twenty years ago by Jack Driscoll, former editor of the Boston Globe. The article was written in a timeless prose, but it no longer captures the essence of the city."

True, but Wikipedia's entry on Boston reads as follows: "The capital city of Massachusetts, USA. The greater Boston area has many suburbs, including Cambridge, Massachusetts."»
{{#if:<ref>MIT Technology Review 2001/09/04 Free the Encyclopedias!</ref>|
(<ref>MIT Technology Review 2001/09/04 Free the Encyclopedias!</ref>)


--Christian (discussione) 03:48, 18 feb 2009 (CET)

New York Times 2001/09/20

New York Times 2001/09/20 Fact-Driven? Collegial? This Site Wants You
{{#if:Wikipediani, come si chiamano fra loro| {{#if:<ref>New York Times 2001/09/20 Fact-Driven? Collegial? This Site Wants You</ref>||class="hiddenStructure noprint"}}
(Testo originale) (Traduzione)
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«Wikipedians, as they call themselves»
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«Wikipediani, come si chiamano fra loro»
{{#if:<ref>New York Times 2001/09/20 Fact-Driven? Collegial? This Site Wants You</ref>|
(<ref>New York Times 2001/09/20 Fact-Driven? Collegial? This Site Wants You</ref>)
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«Wikipedians, as they call themselves»
{{#if:<ref>New York Times 2001/09/20 Fact-Driven? Collegial? This Site Wants You</ref>|
(<ref>New York Times 2001/09/20 Fact-Driven? Collegial? This Site Wants You</ref>)


È questa la prima traccia (pubblica) del termine "Wikipediani"?
--Christian (discussione) 03:59, 18 feb 2009 (CET)
{{#if:In Luglio l'Enclopedia Britannica ha iniziato a farsi pagare $5 per l'accesso.| {{#if:<ref>New York Times 2001/09/20 Fact-Driven? Collegial? This Site Wants You</ref>||class="hiddenStructure noprint"}}
(Testo originale) (Traduzione)
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«In July Encyclopaedia Britannica began charging $5 a month for access.»
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«In Luglio l'Enclopedia Britannica ha iniziato a farsi pagare $5 per l'accesso.»
{{#if:<ref>New York Times 2001/09/20 Fact-Driven? Collegial? This Site Wants You</ref>|
(<ref>New York Times 2001/09/20 Fact-Driven? Collegial? This Site Wants You</ref>)
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«In July Encyclopaedia Britannica began charging $5 a month for access.»
{{#if:<ref>New York Times 2001/09/20 Fact-Driven? Collegial? This Site Wants You</ref>|
(<ref>New York Times 2001/09/20 Fact-Driven? Collegial? This Site Wants You</ref>)


{{#if:Questa è l'opinione di James O'Donnel, un professore di studi classici e vice provost all'Università della Pennsylvenia che ha esaminato l'influenza dei media digitali sulla scrittura nel suo libr "Avatars del mondo" (Harvard University Press, 1998), Ho avuto la forte impressione, quando entrai, di trovarmi in una comunità di persone che si parlavano fra loro disse riguardo ad una delle sue esplorazioni in Wikipedia. La cosa stessa e l'esperienza potrebbero essere molto più preziose per coloro che lo stanno creando piuttoso che per qualcuno da fuori che entra dicendo, 'Allora quando c'è stata la Seconda Guerra punica e che è successo?' ha detto O'Donnell. Una comunità che trova il modo di parlare in questo modo stra creando educazione e una conversazione online ad un più altro livello.| {{#if:<ref>New York Times 2001/09/20 Fact-Driven? Collegial? This Site Wants You</ref> ||class="hiddenStructure noprint"}}
(Testo originale) (Traduzione)
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«That is the view of James J. O'Donnell, a professor of classical studies and vice provost for information systems at the University of Pennsylvania who examined the influence of digital media on writing in his book Avatars of the Word (Harvard University Press, 1998), I had a strong sense as I went in that I was in a community of people who were talking to each other, he said of his explorations of Wikipedia. The thing and the experience may be much more valuable for those who are creating it than it is for somebody who just walks in saying, 'So when is the Second Punic War and which one was that?' Mr. O'Donnell said. A community that finds a way to talk in this way is creating education and online discourse at a higher level.»
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«Questa è l'opinione di James O'Donnel, un professore di studi classici e vice provost all'Università della Pennsylvenia che ha esaminato l'influenza dei media digitali sulla scrittura nel suo libr "Avatars del mondo" (Harvard University Press, 1998), Ho avuto la forte impressione, quando entrai, di trovarmi in una comunità di persone che si parlavano fra loro disse riguardo ad una delle sue esplorazioni in Wikipedia. La cosa stessa e l'esperienza potrebbero essere molto più preziose per coloro che lo stanno creando piuttoso che per qualcuno da fuori che entra dicendo, 'Allora quando c'è stata la Seconda Guerra punica e che è successo?' ha detto O'Donnell. Una comunità che trova il modo di parlare in questo modo stra creando educazione e una conversazione online ad un più altro livello.»
{{#if:<ref>New York Times 2001/09/20 Fact-Driven? Collegial? This Site Wants You</ref> |
(<ref>New York Times 2001/09/20 Fact-Driven? Collegial? This Site Wants You</ref> )
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«That is the view of James J. O'Donnell, a professor of classical studies and vice provost for information systems at the University of Pennsylvania who examined the influence of digital media on writing in his book Avatars of the Word (Harvard University Press, 1998), I had a strong sense as I went in that I was in a community of people who were talking to each other, he said of his explorations of Wikipedia. The thing and the experience may be much more valuable for those who are creating it than it is for somebody who just walks in saying, 'So when is the Second Punic War and which one was that?' Mr. O'Donnell said. A community that finds a way to talk in this way is creating education and online discourse at a higher level.»
{{#if:<ref>New York Times 2001/09/20 Fact-Driven? Collegial? This Site Wants You</ref> |
(<ref>New York Times 2001/09/20 Fact-Driven? Collegial? This Site Wants You</ref> )


Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast?
Why isn't it full of nonsense?
(by Larry Sanger)

{{#if:| {{#if:<ref>Kuro5hinWikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>||class="hiddenStructure noprint"}}
(Testo originale) (Traduzione)
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«The most recent development is that free software guru Richard Stallman has endorsed the Wikipedia project alongside his endorsement of Nupedia. Stallman described Wikipedia's successes to me as "really exciting news." »
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{{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>|
(<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>)
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«The most recent development is that free software guru Richard Stallman has endorsed the Wikipedia project alongside his endorsement of Nupedia. Stallman described Wikipedia's successes to me as "really exciting news." »
{{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>|
(<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>)


{{#if:| {{#if:<ref>Kuro5hinWikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>||class="hiddenStructure noprint"}}
(Testo originale) (Traduzione)
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«(Full disclosure: I am, with Jimmy Wales, the co-founder of Wikipedia and its only full-time paid participant. I feel very uncomfortable calling myself its "editor-in-chief." The participants would rebel at that title, and it would be "anti-wiki"--"anti-wiki" is bad, in case you didn't know.) Among Wikipedia's active contributors are Axel Boldt, mathematics professor at Metropolitan State University in Saint Paul, Minnesota; Michael Tinkler, a professor of art history; a female professor in both ESL and mathematics at Columbia U. and CUNY; and well over a dozen other Ph.D.'s, M.D.'s, and highly-educated people from around the world. In addition, there are many extremely bright, articulate graduate students and undergraduates involved. There are also dozens of computer programmers who are constantly displaying their knowledge both within and outside the bounds of computer science. Everyone is welcome and their work is judged on its own merits. »
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{{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>|
(<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>)
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«(Full disclosure: I am, with Jimmy Wales, the co-founder of Wikipedia and its only full-time paid participant. I feel very uncomfortable calling myself its "editor-in-chief." The participants would rebel at that title, and it would be "anti-wiki"--"anti-wiki" is bad, in case you didn't know.) Among Wikipedia's active contributors are Axel Boldt, mathematics professor at Metropolitan State University in Saint Paul, Minnesota; Michael Tinkler, a professor of art history; a female professor in both ESL and mathematics at Columbia U. and CUNY; and well over a dozen other Ph.D.'s, M.D.'s, and highly-educated people from around the world. In addition, there are many extremely bright, articulate graduate students and undergraduates involved. There are also dozens of computer programmers who are constantly displaying their knowledge both within and outside the bounds of computer science. Everyone is welcome and their work is judged on its own merits. »
{{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>|
(<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>)


{{#if:| {{#if:<ref>Kuro5hinWikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>||class="hiddenStructure noprint"}}
(Testo originale) (Traduzione)
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«So how is it possible that so many otherwise upstanding intellectuals love Wikipedia (some, secretly) and spend so much time on it? Why aren't we writing for academic journals, or something?

It's fun, first of all. But it can be fun for intellectually serious people only if we know that we're creating something of quality. And how do we know that? The basic outlines of the answer ought to be fairly obvious to anyone who has read Eric S. Raymond's famous essay on the open source movement, "The Cathedral and the Bazaar." Remember, if we can edit any page, then we can edit each other's work. Given enough eyeballs, all errors are shallow. We catch each other's mistakes and enjoy correcting them.

So, we're are constantly monitoring Wikipedia's Recent Changes page. When--as happens rarely--some eedjit shows up and vandalizes a page, it's fixed nearly instantly. (We save back copies of all pages, and these are very easily accessible.) We (that is, we participants) work on a lot of different pages, and I think most of us feel some collective responsibility for how the whole thing looks. We're constantly cleaning up after each other and new people.

In the process, a camaraderie--a politeness and congeniality not found on many online discussion forums--has developed. We've got to respect each other, because we are each other's editors, and we all have more or less the same goal: to create a huge, high-quality free encyclopedia.

The way I see it, we're having fun creating a thing of beauty. »
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{{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>|
(<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>)
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«So how is it possible that so many otherwise upstanding intellectuals love Wikipedia (some, secretly) and spend so much time on it? Why aren't we writing for academic journals, or something?

It's fun, first of all. But it can be fun for intellectually serious people only if we know that we're creating something of quality. And how do we know that? The basic outlines of the answer ought to be fairly obvious to anyone who has read Eric S. Raymond's famous essay on the open source movement, "The Cathedral and the Bazaar." Remember, if we can edit any page, then we can edit each other's work. Given enough eyeballs, all errors are shallow. We catch each other's mistakes and enjoy correcting them.

So, we're are constantly monitoring Wikipedia's Recent Changes page. When--as happens rarely--some eedjit shows up and vandalizes a page, it's fixed nearly instantly. (We save back copies of all pages, and these are very easily accessible.) We (that is, we participants) work on a lot of different pages, and I think most of us feel some collective responsibility for how the whole thing looks. We're constantly cleaning up after each other and new people.

In the process, a camaraderie--a politeness and congeniality not found on many online discussion forums--has developed. We've got to respect each other, because we are each other's editors, and we all have more or less the same goal: to create a huge, high-quality free encyclopedia.

The way I see it, we're having fun creating a thing of beauty. »
{{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>|
(<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>)


{{#if:| {{#if:<ref>Kuro5hinWikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>||class="hiddenStructure noprint"}}
(Testo originale) (Traduzione)
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«The implication is that Wikipedia has a nice community, but it doesn't have much breadth, depth, or reliability; so if you want serious information, go to Britannica.

If Wikipedians believed that, we'd bag the whole thing. We think we are--gradually, and sometimes from very rough first drafts--developing a reliable resource. So what answer can I offer to the above concerns?

Part of the answer is already given above: Wikipedia's self-correction process (Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales calls it "self-healing") is very robust. »
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{{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>|
(<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>)
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«The implication is that Wikipedia has a nice community, but it doesn't have much breadth, depth, or reliability; so if you want serious information, go to Britannica.

If Wikipedians believed that, we'd bag the whole thing. We think we are--gradually, and sometimes from very rough first drafts--developing a reliable resource. So what answer can I offer to the above concerns?

Part of the answer is already given above: Wikipedia's self-correction process (Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales calls it "self-healing") is very robust. »
{{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>|
(<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>)


{{#if:| {{#if:<ref>Kuro5hinWikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>||class="hiddenStructure noprint"}}
(Testo originale) (Traduzione)
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«So it seems very reasonable to think that within a few years the project will surpass Britannica in both breadth and depth. At our current rate of growth, we will have over 100,000 articles by 2005; »
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{{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>|
(<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>)
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«So it seems very reasonable to think that within a few years the project will surpass Britannica in both breadth and depth. At our current rate of growth, we will have over 100,000 articles by 2005; »
{{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>|
(<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>)


{{#if:| {{#if:<ref>Kuro5hinWikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>||class="hiddenStructure noprint"}}
(Testo originale) (Traduzione)
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«But what about reliability? That's a third part of the answer. It seems very likely that, in coming months, Wikipedia will set up some sort of approval process, whereby certain versions of articles receive the stamp of approval of some body of Wikipedia reviewers. There have been two main proposals about how to set up a review process. Whatever the shape of the process, it would act entirely independently of article generation. (We certainly do not want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.) But after it's in place, we will be able to present a set of genuine expert-approved articles that can favorably compare with articles from any general encyclopedia--Britannica included. »
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{{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>|
(<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>)
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«But what about reliability? That's a third part of the answer. It seems very likely that, in coming months, Wikipedia will set up some sort of approval process, whereby certain versions of articles receive the stamp of approval of some body of Wikipedia reviewers. There have been two main proposals about how to set up a review process. Whatever the shape of the process, it would act entirely independently of article generation. (We certainly do not want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.) But after it's in place, we will be able to present a set of genuine expert-approved articles that can favorably compare with articles from any general encyclopedia--Britannica included. »
{{#if:<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>|
(<ref>Kuro5hin Wikipedia is wide open. Why is it growing so fast? Why isn't it full of nonsense? (by Wikipedia's Larry Sanger)</ref>)


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Free Online Scholarship Newsletter, 10/26/01

{{#if:| {{#if:||class="hiddenStructure noprint"}}
(Testo originale) (Traduzione)
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«So why should you trust unsigned articles that might have been written by idiots and revised by morons? The creators have introduced many features whose tendency is to insure that ignorant, incorrect, illiterate, and

mischievous contributions --and deletions-- are caught early and either corrected or undone. For example, only Wikipedia administrators can totally or permanently delete pages. Other deletions are kept for two

weeks in a "kept pages" archive where any other user can find and restore them. After mischievous contributors are identified they can be blocked by administrators. Recent changes are collected on a special page for special scrutiny. Soon administrators will have the power to undo all changes from a particular user or particular IP address. The entire Wikipedia is frequently backed up, allowing administrators to restore any entry mangled by users. Administrators are considering several proposals for retroactive peer review.»
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«So why should you trust unsigned articles that might have been written by idiots and revised by morons? The creators have introduced many features whose tendency is to insure that ignorant, incorrect, illiterate, and

mischievous contributions --and deletions-- are caught early and either corrected or undone. For example, only Wikipedia administrators can totally or permanently delete pages. Other deletions are kept for two

weeks in a "kept pages" archive where any other user can find and restore them. After mischievous contributors are identified they can be blocked by administrators. Recent changes are collected on a special page for special scrutiny. Soon administrators will have the power to undo all changes from a particular user or particular IP address. The entire Wikipedia is frequently backed up, allowing administrators to restore any entry mangled by users. Administrators are considering several proposals for retroactive peer review.»


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(Testo originale) (Traduzione)
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«After it gets off the ground, it may generate revenue through ads and pay its administrators from the revenue.»
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«After it gets off the ground, it may generate revenue through ads and pay its administrators from the revenue.»


Accesso negato
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Niente di particolare, se non che è stato scritto da un hawaiano!

The New York Times Magazine 2001/12/09 Populist editing

{{#if:Con in tutto 16.000 articoli nel database, Wikipedia è già larga abbastanza per essere la fonte di informazione generalmente affidabile, anche se più forte in alcuni campi (come Star Trek) che altri (i romanzi di Charles Dickens)| {{#if:<ref>The New York Times Magazine 2001/12/09 Populist editing</ref>||class="hiddenStructure noprint"}}
(Testo originale) (Traduzione)
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«With a total of 16,000 articles in the database, the Wikipedia is already large enough to be a source of generally reliable information, though stronger in some areas (Star Trek spinoffs) than others (the novels of Charles Dickens).»
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«Con in tutto 16.000 articoli nel database, Wikipedia è già larga abbastanza per essere la fonte di informazione generalmente affidabile, anche se più forte in alcuni campi (come Star Trek) che altri (i romanzi di Charles Dickens)»
{{#if:<ref>The New York Times Magazine 2001/12/09 Populist editing</ref>|
(<ref>The New York Times Magazine 2001/12/09 Populist editing</ref>)
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«With a total of 16,000 articles in the database, the Wikipedia is already large enough to be a source of generally reliable information, though stronger in some areas (Star Trek spinoffs) than others (the novels of Charles Dickens).»
{{#if:<ref>The New York Times Magazine 2001/12/09 Populist editing</ref>|
(<ref>The New York Times Magazine 2001/12/09 Populist editing</ref>)


Interessante la metafora del wiki come una storia che migliora ogni volta che viene raccontata. Ma niente di particolare.
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  • Yahoo! Internet Life: "Brain Waves: Works in Progress," apparently (has anyone seen it yet?) is in Volume 8, Number 2.
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