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Wikipedia - Press Coverage/2005mag-ago

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Unsorted: · 2001-2003 · 2004: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic · 2005: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic · 2006: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic ·

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Press Coverage
Press Coverage

Unsorted: · 2001-2003 · 2004: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic · 2005: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic · 2006: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic ·
2007: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic · 2008: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic · 2009 · Scientific articles
Sorted: The Register


2005 May

  • Boutin, Paul. "Galaxy Quest: Wikipedia is a real-life Hitchhiker's Guide: huge, nerdy, and imprecise." Slate. May 3, 2005. [1].
    "But don't people use encyclopedias to look up stuff they don't know anything about? Even if a reference tool is 98 percent right, it's not useful if you don't know which 2 percent is wrong."
    Boutin notes that Encarta recently hired 6 people to handle the anticipated editorial work due to readers posting improvements to the articles.
  • Sartwell, Crispin. "Wikipedia: See 'Information,' 'Amazing,' 'Anarchy'". Los Angeles Times. May 4, 2005. [2]
    "Encyclopedias — whether paper (Britannica, for example) or software (Encarta) — are intended to be representations of the scope of human knowledge at the moment of their publication. This idea, of course, has a long history. But the most interesting thing about it may be its future, as represented by the magnificent, nonprofit Wikipedia...What is perhaps most fascinating about Wikipedia is its demonstration in practical anarchy. It is an ever-shifting, voluntary, collaborative enterprise. If it is in the long run successful, it would show that people can make amazing things together without being commanded, constrained, taxed, bribed or punished...if Wikipedia grows into the greatest reference work ever made, it will suggest that great things are possible when you merely let people go and see what happens."
  • Amend, Bill. "FoxTrot." May 7, 2005 [3]
    "Wikipedia: It's this totally cool online encyclopedia that lets users update and edit its information. It's the greatest thing. Watch. Pretend you want to know about warthogs." "Is that a picture of our sister?"
  • Clemens, Walter C., Jr. "Without Books on Paper, So Much Is Lost" (letter to the editor). New York Times. May 17, 2005. [4]
    "Last but not least, there is the problem of evaluating sources. Many seem to regard the Wikipedia online encyclopedia as no worse than a standard, hard-copy encyclopedia. One of my students thought he had discovered the truth about Russia from a Trotskyite newspaper he found on the Web. Who was Trotsky? He did not know or care."
  • "Stat of the week - Wiki wonder". The Guardian (online section) [5]
    "Open source encyclopedia Wikipedia is now the second most popular reference source on the web, according to new statistics."
  • "Pilot #3: The Wikipedia", pilot of show "Open Source", hosted by Christopher Lydon. May 19, 2005. [6]

2005 June

  • MacMillan, Robert. Encyclopedia Immediata, in the Washington Post's "Random Access" column. 1 June 2005. [7]
Wikipedia's many volunteer editors weren't napping on the job as the W. Mark Felt story broke on Tuesday. A new entry (created yesterday, in fact) on the former associate FBI director and bona fide Deep Throat went up with great dispatch. A glance at the entry shows a clean, dry biography on Felt along with the circumstances of his involvement with Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein on the Watergate series. It is not the first time that Wikipedia has tried to function as a sage tome of encyclopedic knowledge on breaking events, but it almost certainly is one of the most prominent, at least on its English-language site.
And here's a little something you won't find in editions of the Encyclopaedia Britannica (or on the Britannica Online site which has not updated its Watergate references): A note at the top of the Wikipedia page says: "This article or section contains information about a current or ongoing event. Information may change rapidly as the event progresses." The entry on " Deep Throat" also was updated a few hours after the news broke.
  • Legat, Michael. Writers' Rostrum, in Writing Magazine. July 2005 edition.
"One of the most extraordinary websites on the Internet is that of Wikipedia, an encyclopedia to which anyone can contribute... Since the contributors don't have to prove their competence, the Wikipedia may not be as authoritative as the established encyclopaedias, but you will probably find in it all sorts of interesting things that won't be in the others. As with Creative Commons you don't get any payment, but it sounds much more fun." (Sadly Legat also encouraged writers to add vanity articles about themselves :(
  • Gentile, Gary. "LA Times suspends 'wikitorials'" AP Business Wire, Mon 20 June 2005.
"I applaud them for trying a bold experiment," said Steve Outing, senior editor with the journalism think tank Poynter Institute. "That being said, I'm not at all surprised (by the problems). Wikis are pretty new, and we don't entirely understand them and know how they are going to work out yet."
He said Wikis "are most suited for factual information where the content can become accurate because of the power of the intelligence of the group."
"Trying to do that with an opinion piece doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense," Outing said. "People with competing views would just try to get their particular viewpoint published and someone would go in and change it."
In fact, it's one of the chief challenges facing the best-known Wiki, Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia where any visitor can add, change and erase someone else's entry.
Some contributors have attempted to impose their personal viewpoints - for instance, by replacing an article on abortion with the word "murder" written 143 times.
  • "Leaders and readers". 23 June 2005. Khaleej Times Online.
    Editorial about the LA Times pulling Wikitutorials from their website:
    "This does not mean that the pioneering idea conceived by the newspaper was a failure. If the LA Times initiative was not taken in its right spirit, it’s not the newspaper’s loss. Rather, it’s a loss for its readers who could not benefit from a path-breaking experiment because of some nuts loose out there in cyberspace. Of course, everyone is welcome to his or her views and has every right to share them with others. But any forum to air one’s views is governed by certain ground rules and those interested in making use of such a platform should play by the rules. A similar interactive experiment, Wikipedia has been remarkably successful because visitors to the site play by the rules. An online encyclopaedia, Wikipedia allows anyone interested to contribute his/her entries and edit those contributed by others, if necessary. The LA Times experiment failed because it might have come before its time."
  • Bailik, Carl. "A Korean War Stat Lingers Long After It Was Corrected". Wall Street Journal. June 23, 2005. [8]
    Article describing the 54,000 figure commonly stated about Americans who died in the Korean War (no longer in the article).
    "But the higher number lives on today. Olympia J. Snowe, a Republican senator from Maine, said in a press release last month, "Let there be no doubt -- the 54,000 Americans who perished on the Korean peninsula and in the neighboring seas are to be honored and exalted in our time -- and for all time." (A spokesman for Sen. Snowe declined to comment when I contacted her office.) After spotting the news coverage about the numerical error, Encyclopedia Britannica corrected its online entry a few years ago and in print in 2003, senior editor Robert Curley told me. World Book also uses the lower figure, a spokeswoman told me. But Wikipedia, a popular user-edited online encyclopedia, carried the 54,000 figure as of Wednesday in its entry on the war. Most newspaper articles mentioning the Korean War's death toll now cite the lower figure or qualify the higher one.
  • Rae, Fiona. New Zealand Listener, June 25-July 1, 2005, page 67. "website we love: www.wikipedia.org".
    "The online encyclopedia that is a gorgeous, freelove kind of hippie vision of the Internet, where volunteers write the entries and over 200 languages are catered for. Sure, it's been criticised for bias, lack of accountability and deficiencies, but have you tried searching for New Zealand Idol? Like, wow."
Positive mentioning of Wikipedia on a national radio program (~8 million listeners).
"Once in a while we'll use Wikipedia, which is an online encyclopedia. We'll use it for different facts. We just used it there for Scientology..."
"Looking on this online encyclopedia, you can look up just about anything. Stu just ran a search on me. It's the most accurate. Bizarrely so. I mean it almost gives the dimensions of my house. I mean it's weird. Most accurate bio of me. I think it's more accurate than the bio that is on my own website...[It definitely has additional] brand new facts."
  • "On-line version of civilization chronology published". China View & People's Daily Online. June 23, 2005. [9] [10]
    "A massive on-line chronology of Chinese civilization was initiated here Thursday to allow the public to input and edit all the historical documents dating from ancient times through 1911 when the Republic of China was founded.
    "'The operation will be similar to the Wikipedia,' a popular Web-based free content encyclopedia written by volunteers, said organizer Lu Jun, president of the China Culture Research Society."
  • Bonnie O'Neil. "Launching a Corporate Glossary". Business Intelligence Network. June 23, 2005. [11]
    "Wikipedia is an open source encyclopedia on the internet. What’s cool about it is it’s the 'People’s encyclopedia.' anyone can update an existing entry or add a new one. In this way, everyone can participate in it and in a real sense 'own' it. On the downside, it can be very chaotic, because it lacks governance. We are trying to strike a balance and enable everyone to feel like they can contribute, and therefore only applying minimal governance. Where it gets interesting is when someone wants to update an existing entry; especially someone else’s entry. This is when governance is really needed."
  • Sven Krohlas. "KDE and Wikipedia Announce Cooperation". KDE.news. June 23, 2005. [12]
    "Today Jimmy Wales, chairman of the Wikimedia Foundation, announced the beginning of a cooperation between Wikimedia and the KDE project at LinuxTag in Karlsruhe, Germany. As the first applications, like the media player Amarok, start to integrate Wikipedia content the idea is to create a webservice API to access the information from Wikimedia projects such as Wikipedia or Wiktionary. There are also plans for a KDE API.
    "The API would allow KDE applications to easily embed Wikimedia content, data could even be fetched from a local database depending on your online/offline status. First progress can be seen in Knowledge, a Qt 4 based offline reader for Wikipedia.
    "Jimmy was also searching for people who want to help with the design of this API, so if you want a good API for your application join the efforts!"
  • Roy Rosenzweig, 'Digital archives are a gift of wisdom to be used wisely', in the Information Technology supplement of The Chronicle of Higher Education, 24 June 2005, [13] [PDF doc]
    "The same collaborative mechanism of review -- applied more systematically -- have made the collectively produced and open-source encyclopadia Wikipedia a surprisingly credible resource for historial facts."
  • John O'Farrell. "Don't read this, write it". Guardian Unlimited. June 24, 2005. [14]
    "This week, the Los Angeles Times attempted to allow readers to rewrite its editorial over the internet. The notion comes from the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, which can be written by whoever wishes to contribute articles or amendments [this is more like it].
    "But the paper's courageous idea was fundamentally flawed, not because democratic debate can never produce universal consensus [this is good stuff], but because the hell-born Prince Charles who murder Lady Di for oil will face Lucifer as Prophets foretold when flood and fire consume Zionist assassins of Bhopal (Isaiah 12, 4) for USA death-heads knew but kill when Bush father CIA tell them for their blood-dollars."
  • Edward Cone. "Wikipedia Founder Pitches Openness to Content Managers". June 24, 2005. eWeek. [15]
    Inverview of Jimmy Wales, "Allowing employees to work on sensitive documents without a series of strict controls isn't as dangerous as corporate knowledge managers think, according to Jimmy Wales."
  • Joe Light. "Spreadin' the news, 1 volunteer at a time". June 24, 2005. The Boston Globe. [16]
    Article about Wikinews. Profiles Brandon Stafford, wiki-newsreporter.
  • Gopilal Acharya. "Here comes the Wikipedia". June 27, 2005. Kuensel Online. [17]
    Ever heard of Wikipedia? Presumably most Bhutanese would say, No. Log on to www.wikipedia.org and you are entering into the Internet’s largest encyclopedia that Time recently described as the web encyclopedia “by the people, for the people.”
    So what?
    This again, presumably, could be the second remark one might make on hearing about this weird-sounding Wikipedia thing. But listen to what Wikipedians have to say: It is pretty helpful, especially if you want information urgently. Wikipedia is a free open-source encyclopedia, which basically means that anyone can log on and add to or edit it, says Time’s Chris Taylor. Started by Alabama-born Jimmy Wales some four years ago Wikipedia today has 1.5 million entries in 76 languages and is increasing by the day. Wales, whose long-time obsession was to create an online encyclopedia, stumbled on wiki after Nupedia (his first trail on online encyclopedia) failed.
  • "250,000 German articles in Wikipedia". 28 June, 2005. Heise online. [18]
    The German-language version of the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia is booming: with the entry about Mönchgut, a 29.44 km² long peninsula southeast of Rügen, the milestone of the 250,000th article in German has been added to the Wikipedia. The number of German articles has thus doubled in less than one year, with more than 400 articles being added every day.
    The German version is thus the second largest in the encyclopedia project after the English edition, which has more than 611,000 articles. Overall, there are some 2 million Wikipedia articles in 200 languages. The threshold of one million was only recently crossed in September 2004.
  • Lennon, Sheila. "Personal Technology." 30 June 2005. Providence (R.I.) Journal. [19]
    Wickerpedia: The parody. Wikipedia is the collaboratively created Web encyclopedia, using software that permits many editors, i.e., a wiki.
    Wickerpedia is not. It's a parody of wikipedia.org, only with more of an emphasis on wicker (which is terribly represented by wikipedia). The site features a more wickercentric view of history, the news, and common wisdom, as well as a much improved searching engine.

2005 July

  • Katherine Q. Seelye. "Hands-On Readers: Why Newspapers are Betting on Audience Participation". 4 July, 2005. New York Times. pp C1, C4.
    "...Recently, The Los Angeles Times briefly opened its editorial page so readers could go online and insert their own thoughts in editorials. The approach was patterned after Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia made up of contributions from anyone with something to say. ..."
  • Don Marti, "Editors' Choice Awards 2005: Nontechnical or Community Web Site: Wikimedia Foundation, Wikipedia", Linux Journal, August 2005, pp. 86f.
    "Robert calls Wikipedia, 'probably the single greatest thing on earth.' It's hard to comprehend an encyclopedia with 1.5 million articles and editions in 195 languages, so just visit the site and click 'random page.'"
  • Dvorak, John C. "The Wikification of Knowledge" PC Magazine, July 2005.
    "The absolute deterioration of the wiki concept is just a matter of time. Once spam mechanisms are developed to eat into these systems, the caretakers will be too busy to stop the public-driven deterioration."
  • Andy Carvin ,"Turning Wikipedia into an Asset for Schools " Digital Divide Network talks about using Wikipedia as a basis for a school project to validate the facts in an article. This could be a way of developing childrens research skills as well as improving Wikipedia. July 11th, 2005 @ 10:14PM
    "Get enough classrooms doing this, you kill several birds with one stone: Wikipedia's information gets better, students help give back to the Net by improving the accuracy of an important online resource, and teachers have a way to make lemons into lemonade, turning Wikipedia from a questionable information source to a powerful tool for information literacy. "
  • Read, Brock. "Romantic Poetry Meets 21st-Century Technology". The Chronicle of Higher Education, p. A35. July 15, 2005. [20]
    "Wikipedia has become especially popular as a research tool for college students—much to the chagrin of some professors, who consider the site's often-unsourced content to be dubious at best. Others, like Mr. Morgan, argue that wiki readers can find plenty of worthwhile content, as long as they scrutinize it as carefully as they would material on regular web sites."
  • Brown, Russell, New Zealand Listener, July 23-29 2005, pp 52-53, We Are All Reporters.
    "One of the more notable responses [to the 7 July London bombings] was that of the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia, which had a work-in-progress page up as soon as the news broke, and, through the contributions of many volunteers, quickly established a resource that was better than most news sources. Think of that: an encyclopedia as breaking news."
  • "Some people are afraid of products which are free, but you would be making a big mistake if you avoided the Wikipedia, one of the most remarkable creations on the Internet. A wiki is a web site users can both contribute to and edit. "Wiki wiki" means "quick" in Hawaiian. The Wikipedia is an encyclopedia with more than 1.6 million articles under active development in over 120 languages. The site gets more than 60 million hits per day. The Wikipedia`s article about itself admits that since anyone can edit the content, inaccuracy and vandalism is a problem. But the community of users polices that sort of activity so the content tends to be self-repairing. Volunteer editors strive to make sure the articles are objective. In addition to the usual encyclopedia topics, the Wikipedia contains a wide array of social and cultural entries. The Wikipedia is not a refereed academic publication, but it is a fascinating example of collaborative development and social interaction growing live, virtually before your eyes on the Internet. Scott Gurvey, NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT, New York."
  • Wikipedia is 'Site of the Fortnight' in Computer Active, Britain's top computer mag, , No 194, 31 July-3 August 2005, p 82.
    ...The work of a dedicated team of editors means that 1.6 million articles - 600,000 in English and the others in 194 other language editions - are largely accurate and clear, and those that are not are clearly indicated as such.
  • Heffernan, Virginia. "The Podcast as a New Podium". New York Times, July 22, 2005, p. E1. [21]
    "Admit it. You don't know what podcasts are. Your plan is to do that thing of half-reading tech articles and waiting in denial until it's scarily mandatory that you really understand it -for instance, you have to create your own podcast for some random reason in one hour - and then desperately turning to Wikipedia or a teenage relative for a last-minute explanation."
  • Seebach, Linda. "How to get some help with math- wiki-wiki". Rocky Mountain News, July 23, 2005. [22]
    "For a test, I decided to look up Nicolas Bourbaki, whose mathematical works we studied in grad school. He seemed especially suitable because he's not a single authority but a collective pseudonym for a group of highly influential French mathematicians. A standard encyclopedia had a couple of hundred words - though it did deliciously describe him as "a nonexistent but very clever polycephalic French mathematician. Wikipedia's article was nearly 2,000 words, thorough and well-informed, with rich links to original sources.
"Whoever wrote it, t(he)y knew what they were talking about. "
  • Boxer, Sarah. "Internet's Best Friend (Let Me Count the Ways)". New York Times, July 30, 2005. A brief mention in an article about cats' and dogs' movements on the net.
    "On Wikipedia there's already a dog poop girl entry logged, and a movement to delete it."

2005 August

  • Spiegel Surfs the Web, "Wikimania Sweeps Frankfurt", August 4, 2005. [23]
"Wikimania, a four-day gathering of those behind the successful on-line encyclopedia, Wikipedia, has taken over Frankfurt. The main topic of the meeting: Where will Wiki go from here?"
Fun quote: "It's telling that Wikimania is taking place in Germany. Wales recently wrote in his blog "Like the great artist ... David Hasselhoff, I'm only appreciated overseas."
  • In a leader article on "the 10th birthday of the Internet as a mass phenomenon" The Guardian says:
    • "Although, contrary to the instincts of its early protagonists, the web has long since been colonised by commerce, it still nurtures its founding community spirit. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the startling success of the open source movement which enables enthusiasts and professionals all over the world to work together from remote locations to produce services that are freely available for anyone with a computer linked to the internet. The thousands of products so far released include the Linux operating system (a free alternative to Microsoft's pervasive Windows), OpenOffice (an alternative to Microsoft's Word and Excel) and Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, with well over a million entries written entirely by its readers." [24]
  • Wilson, Jessica. "Wikipedia Wonderboy calls Ottawa home". The Ottawa Citizen. August 10, 2005.
    • The Citizen runs a profile on Wikipedia's most prolific user, SimonP. Discusses user's interest in and use of the project: "I think writing in a vacuum would be somewhat boring," but knowing his work is so widely read makes up for the lack of a paycheque — sort of. "What I'd really like is for someone to pay me to write encyclopedia articles, but I think that might be somewhat unrealistic," he said.
  • Dodson, Sean. "Worldwide Wikimania". The Guardian. August 11, 2005. [25]
    • In an article entirely about Wikimedia: "At Wikimania, Jimmy Wales, the movement's founder, identified the next pieces of the jigsaw likely to fall into place. In his keynote address, Wales named a list of things "that should be free". While not quite commandments, they amount to 10 ideas about how the "Free Culture Movement", as he termed it, could extend the wiki ethic beyond the pages of its ever-growing encyclopedia."
  • Johnson, Bobbie. "The Guardian profile: Tim Berners-Lee". The Guardian online, August 12, 2005. [26]
    • Wikipedia used as prime example of one of Berners-Lee's ideas. "One of his earliest ideas was the "read/write web", where users could change websites as well as observe them. The proliferation of weblogs, and particularly the success of the user-edited encyclopedia Wikipedia, prove that democratising the online space can have wide-ranging and legitimate uses."
  • Manes, Stephen. "Google Isn't Everything". Forbes, August 15, 2005, p. 56. [27]
"I happened to wonder about the first recorded term of the term 'personal computer,' so I Googled around and ended up at Wikipedia, the hit-or-miss user-developed encyclopedia, whose 'personal computer' entry declared authoritatively that 'The earliest known use of the term was in New Scientist magazine in 1964, in a series of articles called 'The World in 1984'.' I still don't know the answer to my question, but I do know —no thanks to Google—that Wikipedia got it wrong."
After this slam, the author went on to laud the online use of local public libraries. He did not choose to improve our civilization by correcting the Wikipedia article; User:Lllll took care of this for him, replacing the above with information that Manes alleges is correct. - Tempshill 03:58, 4 August 2005 (UTC)
  • Connor, Alan. "Rewriting the rule books". BBC News Online, August 15, 2005. [28]
    • Uses Wikimania as a jumping off point to examine Wikipedia specifically. He then refers to several blog comments about Wikipedia, and finally discusses how wikis and open human knowledge is likely to proceed.
"But one event this week has received scant mainstream coverage, even though it has enormous implications for tech-heads and global village idiots alike."
  • Brown, Andrew. "The Trouble with Jamie Kane". MediaGuardian online, August 16, 2005. [29]
    • Reports on the controversy over the creation of the Wikipedia article on Jamie Kane, a fictional singer who is the centrepiece of a BBC online game. The initial writing of the article by an IP which traced to the BBC and which did not make clear the subject was fictional led to a fierce debate on Wikipedia:Votes for deletion/Jamie Kane.
"A Wikipedia article, posted from within the BBC, appeared about a British pop singer, Jamie Kane, which contained all you could possibly want to know about him except for the fact that he didn't exist."
Wikipedia, the user-generated net encyclopaedia, provided video coverage of the hurricane and regularly updated reports on the storms history and effects.
  • Marti, Don. "Editors' Choice Awards 2005". Linux Journal, Issue #136, August 2005. [31] [32]
    • Wikipedia wins the Linux Journal Editors' Choice Award for the best Nontechnical or Community Website. While the article itself is dated June 30, it appeared in the August 2005 edition of Linux Journal.
Robert Love calls Wikipedia, "probably the single greatest thing on Earth."