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The Register

Da Cantiere.
Versione del 23 mar 2009 alle 03:24 di Christian (Discussione | contributi) (2006: : del)

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Progetto "Storia di Wikipedia" - la rivista online "The Register" ha dedicato diversi articoli critici a WP.

{{#ifexpr: 0 = 1|
{{#ifexpr: 0 >1|<h{{{livello}}} style="font-size:100%;border:0;margin:0;padding:0;color:inherit;text-align:inherit;font-weight:inherit;">}}WikiGuide{{#ifexpr: 0 >1|</h{{{livello}}}>}}
Copione WikiGuide: Wikipedia · Commons · Wikisource · Wikiquote
Organizzazione: Progetto · Portineria · Gruppo su Facebook
| {{#if:|

Copione WikiGuide: Wikipedia · Commons · Wikisource · Wikiquote
Organizzazione: Progetto · Portineria · Gruppo su Facebook

{{#ifexpr: 0 = 1|
{{#ifexpr: 0 >1|<h{{{livello}}} style="font-size:100%;border:0;margin:0;padding:0;color:inherit;text-align:inherit;font-weight:inherit;">}}Press Coverage{{#ifexpr: 0 >1|</h{{{livello}}}>}}
{{#if:Template:Press Coverage|}}
Unsorted: · 2001-2003 · 2004: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic · 2005: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic · 2006: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic ·

2007: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic · 2008: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic · 2009 · Scientific articles

Sorted: The Register
| {{#if:|
Press Coverage
Press Coverage

Unsorted: · 2001-2003 · 2004: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic · 2005: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic · 2006: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic ·
2007: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic · 2008: gen-apr/mag-ago/set-dic · 2009 · Scientific articles
Sorted: The Register





    |[[ |Orlowski{{
       #if: Andrew
       |, Andrew
       #if: Andrew
       |, Andrew
       |{{#if:| & |; }}
       |[[ |{{
          |{{#if:| & |; }}
          |[[ |{{
             |{{#if:| & |; }}
             |[[ |{{
                |{{#if:| & |; }}
                |[[ |{{
                   |{{#if:| & |; }}
                   |[[ |{{
                      |{{#if:| & |; }}
                      |[[ |{{
                         |{{#if:| & |; }}
                         |[[ |{{
                         |;  et al.
    #if: {{#if:September 23, 2006|September 23, 2006|  }}
    | ({{#if:September 23, 2006|September 23, 2006|  }}){{
    | [{{{YearNote}}}]
       |[[{{{Editorlink1}}} |{{{EditorSurname1}}}{{
          |, {{{EditorGiven1}}}
          |, {{{EditorGiven1}}}
       |; {{
          |[[{{{Editorlink2}}} |{{{EditorSurname2}}}{{
             |, {{{EditorGiven2}}}
             |, {{{EditorGiven2}}}
          |;  {{
             |[[{{{Editorlink3}}} |{{{EditorSurname3}}}{{
                |, {{{EditorGiven3}}}
                |, {{{EditorGiven3}}}
             | et al.
      }}, ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:.|.||.}}{{
       #if: {{#if:September 23, 2006|September 23, 2006|  }}
       | ({{#if:September 23, 2006|September 23, 2006|  }})


 #if: {{#if:||Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}}
  }}{{#if: {{
             #if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/23/wikitruth_on_sanger/
 | [{{
             #if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/23/wikitruth_on_sanger/
        }} {{
          |{{#if:||Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}}
          |"{{#if:||Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}}"
 | {{
          |{{#if:||Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}}
          |"{{#if:||Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}}"

}} }}{{

    #ifeq:  | 
       #if: Orlowski{{#if:||Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}}
       |. written at 


    #if: Orlowski
    |. {{
       #if: {{#if:||Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}}
       |[[{{{Editorlink1}}} |{{{EditorSurname1}}}{{
          |, {{{EditorGiven1}}}
          |, {{{EditorGiven1}}}
       |; {{
             |, {{{EditorGiven2}}}
             |, {{{EditorGiven2}}}
          |; {{
                |, {{{EditorGiven3}}}
                |, {{{EditorGiven3}}}
             | et al.
       #if: {{#if:||Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}}
       |. ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:.|.||.}}


    #if: Orlowski
    |. }}{{
    #if: {{#if:|Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}}
    |"{{#if: {{
             #if: {{#if:||Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}}
                   #if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/23/wikitruth_on_sanger/
                      |  http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=
                #if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/23/wikitruth_on_sanger/
                | {{ 
                      |  http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=
 | [{{
             #if: {{#if:||Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}}
                   #if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/23/wikitruth_on_sanger/
                      |  http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=
                #if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/23/wikitruth_on_sanger/
                | {{ 
                      |  http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=
           }} {{#if:|Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}}] 
 | {{#if:|Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}} 

}}"}} }}{{

  |  (in )
  | ()
  #if: |{{
      #if:{{#if:||Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}}{{#if:|Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}}|. }}'{{
       #if: The Register
       | (: The Register)
       | ()
       #if: The Register
       | (The Register)
    | '{{
       | ()
       | ()
    #if: {{
          |p. {{{page}}}
             |pp. {{{pages}}}
    |:  {{
          |p. {{{page}}}
             |pp. {{{pages}}}
    #if: {{#if:|Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}}
       #if: Orlowski{{#if:||Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}}
     }}{{#if: {{
             #if: {{#if:||Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}}
                   #if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/23/wikitruth_on_sanger/
                      |  http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=
                #if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/23/wikitruth_on_sanger/
                   |  http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=       
 | [{{
             #if: {{#if:||Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}}
                   #if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/23/wikitruth_on_sanger/
                      |  http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=
                #if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/23/wikitruth_on_sanger/
                   |  http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=       
           }} {{#if:|Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}}] 
 | {{#if:|Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}} 


       |. '
       | ( ed.)
       #if: The Register
        }} The Register
 #if: Orlowski
    #if: {{#if:September 23, 2006|September 23, 2006|  }}
    |. {{#if:September 23, 2006|September 23, 2006|  }}


    #ifeq:  | {{#if:September 23, 2006|September 23, 2006|  }}
          #if: Orlowski
          | (published )
          | (published )


    #if: {{
          |p. {{{page}}}
             |pp. {{{pages}}}
    |. {{
          |p. {{{page}}}
             |pp. {{{pages}}}


  1. if:
 |. doi:{{#if:  
    |  (inactive ) {{#ifeq:  |  | [[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |  }}]] }}




 |. ISBN 


 |. ISSN [1]


 |. OCLC [2]


 |. PMID  


 |{{#if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/23/wikitruth_on_sanger/
    |. PMC: [3]


 |. Bibcode[4]


 |. {{{Archive}}}
   |. {{#ifeq:.|.|A|a}}rchived from {{#if:{{#if:|http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/23/wikitruth_on_sanger/}}%7C{{#if: {{#if:|http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/23/wikitruth_on_sanger/}} 
 | [{{#if:|http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/23/wikitruth_on_sanger/}} the original] 
 | the original 

}}|the original (unspecified URL)}}{{

     | on 
     |. You must specify the date the archive was made using the Template:Para parameter{{#if: ||}} 
   |{{#if:|. {{#ifeq:.|.|A|a}}rchived on ; no Template:Para specified}}


 #if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/23/wikitruth_on_sanger/
    #if: {{#if:|Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}}{{#if:||Guerrilla Wikipedians rate rival's chances}}
    |. {{
    |. {{
    #if: {{#if:2009-03-12|2009-03-12|{{
   #if:|{{{accessdaymonth}}} |{{
     #if:|{{{accessmonthday}}} |
    | {{#ifeq:.|,|, r|. R}}etrieved on {{#if:2009-03-12|2009-03-12|{{
   #if:|{{{accessdaymonth}}} |{{
     #if:|{{{accessmonthday}}} |


 |. [ Lay summary]{{#if: | – {{{laysource}}}}}


 |  ()


 |.  ""


Intervista al collettivo di Wikitruth che esprime un'opinione su Sanger e la sua Citizendium. Ma non mi sembra di rilevare niente di particolarmente rilevante. Curioso il link a Wu Ming. --Christian (discussione) 15:10, 12 mar 2009 (CET)
  • {{
    |[[ |Orlowski{{
       #if: Andrew
       |, Andrew
       #if: Andrew
       |, Andrew
       |{{#if:| & |; }}
       |[[ |{{
          |{{#if:| & |; }}
          |[[ |{{
             |{{#if:| & |; }}
             |[[ |{{
                |{{#if:| & |; }}
                |[[ |{{
                   |{{#if:| & |; }}
                   |[[ |{{
                      |{{#if:| & |; }}
                      |[[ |{{
                         |{{#if:| & |; }}
                         |[[ |{{
                         |;  et al.
    #if: {{#if:September 18, 2006|September 18, 2006|  }}
    | ({{#if:September 18, 2006|September 18, 2006|  }}){{
    | [{{{YearNote}}}]
       |[[{{{Editorlink1}}} |{{{EditorSurname1}}}{{
          |, {{{EditorGiven1}}}
          |, {{{EditorGiven1}}}
       |; {{
          |[[{{{Editorlink2}}} |{{{EditorSurname2}}}{{
             |, {{{EditorGiven2}}}
             |, {{{EditorGiven2}}}
          |;  {{
             |[[{{{Editorlink3}}} |{{{EditorSurname3}}}{{
                |, {{{EditorGiven3}}}
                |, {{{EditorGiven3}}}
             | et al.
      }}, ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:.|.||.}}{{
       #if: {{#if:September 18, 2006|September 18, 2006|  }}
       | ({{#if:September 18, 2006|September 18, 2006|  }})


 #if: {{#if:More experts, less fiddling?||Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}}
  }}{{#if: {{
             #if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/18/sanger_forks_wikipedia/
 | [{{
             #if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/18/sanger_forks_wikipedia/
        }} {{
          #if: More experts, less fiddling?
          |{{#if:More experts, less fiddling?||Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}}
          |"{{#if:More experts, less fiddling?||Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}}"
 | {{
          #if: More experts, less fiddling?
          |{{#if:More experts, less fiddling?||Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}}
          |"{{#if:More experts, less fiddling?||Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}}"

}} }}{{

    #ifeq:  | 
       #if: Orlowski{{#if:More experts, less fiddling?||Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}}More experts, less fiddling?
       |. written at 


    #if: Orlowski
    |. {{
       #if: {{#if:More experts, less fiddling?||Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}}
       |[[{{{Editorlink1}}} |{{{EditorSurname1}}}{{
          |, {{{EditorGiven1}}}
          |, {{{EditorGiven1}}}
       |; {{
             |, {{{EditorGiven2}}}
             |, {{{EditorGiven2}}}
          |; {{
                |, {{{EditorGiven3}}}
                |, {{{EditorGiven3}}}
             | et al.
       #if: {{#if:More experts, less fiddling?||Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}}
       |. ed{{#if:|s}}{{#ifeq:.|.||.}}


 #if: More experts, less fiddling?
    #if: Orlowski
    |. }}{{
    #if: {{#if:More experts, less fiddling?|Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}}
    |"{{#if: {{
             #if: {{#if:More experts, less fiddling?||Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}}
                   #if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/18/sanger_forks_wikipedia/
                      |  http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=
                #if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/18/sanger_forks_wikipedia/
                | {{ 
                      |  http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=
 | [{{
             #if: {{#if:More experts, less fiddling?||Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}}
                   #if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/18/sanger_forks_wikipedia/
                      |  http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=
                #if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/18/sanger_forks_wikipedia/
                | {{ 
                      |  http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=
           }} {{#if:More experts, less fiddling?|Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}}] 
 | {{#if:More experts, less fiddling?|Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}} 

}}"}} }}{{

  |  (in )
  | ()
  #if: More experts, less fiddling?|{{
      #if:{{#if:More experts, less fiddling?||Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}}{{#if:More experts, less fiddling?|Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}}|. }}More experts, less fiddling?{{
       #if: The Register
       | (: The Register)
       | ()
       #if: The Register
       | (The Register)
    | '{{
       | ()
       | ()
    #if: {{
          |p. {{{page}}}
             |pp. {{{pages}}}
    |:  {{
          |p. {{{page}}}
             |pp. {{{pages}}}
    #if: {{#if:More experts, less fiddling?|Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}}
       #if: Orlowski{{#if:More experts, less fiddling?||Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}}More experts, less fiddling?
     }}{{#if: {{
             #if: {{#if:More experts, less fiddling?||Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}}
                   #if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/18/sanger_forks_wikipedia/
                      |  http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=
                #if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/18/sanger_forks_wikipedia/
                   |  http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=       
 | [{{
             #if: {{#if:More experts, less fiddling?||Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}}
                   #if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/18/sanger_forks_wikipedia/
                      |  http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=
                #if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/18/sanger_forks_wikipedia/
                   |  http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=       
           }} {{#if:More experts, less fiddling?|Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}}] 
 | {{#if:More experts, less fiddling?|Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}} 


       |. '
       | ( ed.)
       #if: The Register
        }} The Register
 #if: Orlowski
    #if: {{#if:September 18, 2006|September 18, 2006|  }}
    |. {{#if:September 18, 2006|September 18, 2006|  }}


    #ifeq:  | {{#if:September 18, 2006|September 18, 2006|  }}
          #if: Orlowski
          | (published )
          #if: More experts, less fiddling?
          | (published )


 #if: More experts, less fiddling?
    #if: {{
          |p. {{{page}}}
             |pp. {{{pages}}}
    |. {{
          |p. {{{page}}}
             |pp. {{{pages}}}


  1. if:
 |. doi:{{#if:  
    |  (inactive ) {{#ifeq:  |  | [[Category:Pages with DOIs broken since {{#time: Y |  }}]] }}




 |. ISBN 


 |. ISSN [5]


 |. OCLC [6]


 |. PMID  


 |{{#if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/18/sanger_forks_wikipedia/
    |. PMC: [7]


 |. Bibcode[8]


 |. {{{Archive}}}
   |. {{#ifeq:.|.|A|a}}rchived from {{#if:{{#if:|http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/18/sanger_forks_wikipedia/}}%7C{{#if: {{#if:|http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/18/sanger_forks_wikipedia/}} 
 | [{{#if:|http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/18/sanger_forks_wikipedia/}} the original] 
 | the original 

}}|the original (unspecified URL)}}{{

     | on 
     |. You must specify the date the archive was made using the Template:Para parameter{{#if: ||}} 
   |{{#if:|. {{#ifeq:.|.|A|a}}rchived on ; no Template:Para specified}}


 #if: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/09/18/sanger_forks_wikipedia/
    #if: {{#if:More experts, less fiddling?|Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}}{{#if:More experts, less fiddling?||Wikipedia founder forks Wikipedia}}
    |. {{
    |. {{
    #if: {{#if:2007-03-25|2007-03-25|{{
   #if:|{{{accessdaymonth}}} |{{
     #if:|{{{accessmonthday}}} |
    | {{#ifeq:.|,|, r|. R}}etrieved on {{#if:2007-03-25|2007-03-25|{{
   #if:|{{{accessdaymonth}}} |{{
     #if:|{{{accessmonthday}}} |


 |. [ Lay summary]{{#if: | – {{{laysource}}}}}


 |  ()


 |.  ""


Su Citizendium. Sempre acidi con WP. Niente di rilevante. --Christian (discussione) 03:23, 23 mar 2009 (CET)