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Wikipedia - Timeline: differenze tra le versioni

Da Cantiere.
(Controversy (2002))
Riga 73: Riga 73:
* http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/My_resignation--Larry_Sanger
* http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/My_resignation--Larry_Sanger
== Controversy (2002) ==
Political controversy became a major focus of editorial policy in mid-2002 - Larry Sanger returned after his resignation to wade in to the following:
In March 2002, the user "24" (named after his internet address) began to make a large number of controversial edits. Discussions about these edits became heated, and many people felt that 24, while knowledgable about various topics, was unable to work well with others. After posting what was perceived as a threat against Larry Sanger, Jimbo Wales banned his IP from the site for two days in April 2002 after lengthy debate on the mailing list. Many of his contributions remain in the encyclopedia.
"H.J." was banned from Wikipedia in September 2002. See [[en:user:H.J./ban]] for details.

Versione delle 02:32, 13 feb 2009

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progetto WIKIGUIDE

Copione WikiGuide: Wikipedia · Commons · Wikisource · Wikiquote
Organizzazione: Progetto · Portineria · Gruppo su Facebook



15 gennaio 2001 / debutto

Il Wikipedia:it:15 gennaio, giorno in cui... biblioteca, ansa, sojuz 5,... nel 2001, Wikipedia va online.

La pagina è molto scarna e annuncia l'intenzione di scrivere un'intera enciclopedia partendo da zero, in modo collaborativo!

marzo 2001

Dopo meno di un mese le pagine create dagli utenti sono più di 1.000 e il 30 marzo, dopo soli due mesi e mezzo, sono state raccolte già 3'000 pagine, spalmate in numerose categorie.

Wales, Sanger e Nupedia

Gli autori di questo progetto sono it:Jimmy Wales e it:Larry Sanger.

I due insieme avevano un anno prima avviato un'altro progetto di enciclopedia, it:Nupedia, basato però su...

Wikipedia era stata pensata come spalla per Nupedia, ma non bisogna aspettare molto per capire che è Wikipedia ad attirare l'attenzione. A tre mesi (14 maggio) dal lancio le pagine sono diventate 6.000.


Intanto vengono aperti i portali in 13 lingue a cui presto si aggiungeranno anche arabo e ungherese.

QUESTIONE LINGUE: Non per nazione ma per lingua!!

agosto 2001 / Kuro5hin

Arriviamo all'estate ed ecco i primi articoli online che parlano della nuova promettente enciclopedia:

  • kuro5hin
    • "The grandest days of free content have not yet begun. Britannica and other proprietary encyclopedias will be hopelessly obsolete within ten years--small, out-of-date, and generally irrelevant--by comparison with Nupedia, Wikipedia, and the many other non-proprietary reference works that are being and will be developed."
    • "All of the articles tend to grow in level of quality, as well--to paraphrase Linus Torvalds, "Given enough eyeballs, all typos, factual errors, and other errors of content are shallow." "
    • fra i commenti all'articolo: "Reinventing the wheel" is another term for gaining experience. Parallel development is rarely ever a long-term problem. It makes people more competent for the point when they do merge forces. Shakespeare was known for taking other stories and trying to improve them, and I imagine that gave him experience which would be hard to win elsewhere. A Russian saying goes, "When two people are doing the same thing, it is in reality not the same thing."

11 settembre 2001

Settembre 2001 / cos'è un'enciclopedia?

A fine estate le pagine sono oltre 12.000 e i visitatori unici connessi in un solo giorno sono più di 8'000. Ma visto le prime controversie (cit), non si può non affrontare la questione: Wikipedia vuole essere un'enciclopedia: ma che cosa è un'enciclopedia? what sort of knowledge is included in an encyclopedia?

"Wikipedia è un'enciclopedia che comprende gli elementi tipici delle enciclopedie "generiche", delle enciclopedie "specialistiche" e degli almanacchi. Wikipedia non è una raccolta indiscriminata di informazioni. Quindi non è una fonte primaria ma piuttosto uno strumento di divulgazione secondaria; non è un dizionario né un palco per comizi, né un giornale; non è neanche un luogo dove fare autopromozione, o un banco di prova per l'anarchia o la democrazia; non è neppure una web directory né un posto dove inserire le proprie opinioni, esperienze o argomentazioni; tutti i contributori devono sforzarsi di seguire le politiche comunitariamente basate sulla verificabilità e sul divieto di ricerche originali."


  • "There is one important result, however, of the fact that general encyclopedias codify "human knowledge": it is that it is appropriate that general encyclopedias be written from a neutral point of view. Where one controversial view is presented as fact, or is asserted as being probably true when a substantial number of experts or concerned parties would disagree with that, the reader of the encyclopedia is given a skewed view about what "human knowledge" of the topic consists of. To be given a really accurate view of "how the experts think" about a topic, it is important to represent, fairly, all the views of the experts, whoever they might be."
  • "I guess I agree that, to qualify as such, this knowledge has to have some sort of warrant, in the sense that indeed there are certain criteria a bit of information would have to meet to constitute "human knowledge" or "expert knowledge."

Articolo su NYT

Fact-Driven? Collegial? This Site Wants You - articolo sul NYT

October 2001

  • Wikipedia has ~13,000 articles

January 2002: MediaWiki

  • January 25 - Phase II MediaWiki software

26 febbraio 2002

The spanish fork

Possibile flash-forward

1 marzo 2002 / Larry's resignation

"The main figure of the early history of wikipedia was Larry Sanger. He was the Editor-in-Chief of Nupedia, and self-titled "Main Instigator" of Wikipedia. During the first months, the number of contributors made it possible to resolve all matters by consensus, and Larry's role was mainly to craft guidelines, and write columns about different aspects of Wikipedia. These guidelines form the backbone of what Wikipedia is today, and without Larry its shape would probably be different (and without a paid "instigator" it would have take much more time to take off). Larry Sanger's contribution to Wikipedia in the early days was invaluable. His own work and editing of articles added by others, his guidance and steering of Wikipedia meant quite a lot then. However, his strong opinions and authoritarian style caused conflicts with several Wikipedians. Today we might say he wasn't prepared to be a mediator, maybe a fierce arbitrator. As time went by, however, some discussions were dragging along without solution: Larry began to make use of his implicit authority, and finally acknowledge that authority. Several recurrent disputes arose, the most bitter of them with The Cunctator, who saw in almost every action of Larry's an abuse of power that did not belong in Wikipedia, and took actions that Larry (justly in many minds) considered harassing. Though Cunc's views were considered extreme by most of the contributors, that didn't tone down the discussion. Some Meta-Wikipedia articles dating from this period (some by Sanger, some by his detractors) are at History of Wikipedia/Articles by and about Larry Sanger."

Controversy (2002)

Political controversy became a major focus of editorial policy in mid-2002 - Larry Sanger returned after his resignation to wade in to the following:

In March 2002, the user "24" (named after his internet address) began to make a large number of controversial edits. Discussions about these edits became heated, and many people felt that 24, while knowledgable about various topics, was unable to work well with others. After posting what was perceived as a threat against Larry Sanger, Jimbo Wales banned his IP from the site for two days in April 2002 after lengthy debate on the mailing list. Many of his contributions remain in the encyclopedia.

"H.J." was banned from Wikipedia in September 2002. See en:user:H.J./ban for details.





Esempi / Qualità dei primi articoli (per vedere anche la forma) Brilliant prose (versione dell'11 dicembre 2001)